1/6. My Future part 2 in English

Hey guys!

I’m Minoru.😁


Before I start to write, I’m sorry for giving up my blog in the middle of yesterday. I’m going to finish writing down the rest of what I said.


              As I told you yesterday, through the failure, I’ve finally noticed I need to think twice of myself, and what I want to do in the future. Now, I’ve started to find that little by little through my life in Vancouver. I’ve been inspired by a lot of people who have different culture. My roommates came from different country such as Brazil, France, and Korea. In fact, I’ve never lived with foreign people, so I always felt weird about everything. Naturally, our faces are different. In addition, they have different way to eat, speak, and think. The most impressing thing I think is thought they have. They have completely different opinion about something like relationship, marriage, and working style and so on. At the beginning, I could not accept the different way they think because I’d believed that Japanese culture was good. To put in another words, I didn’t try to accept the difference. However, something bad came up. I was feeling a long distance between me and them mentally, and then I started to feel alone. At this time, I recognized how important is to understand the differences of each other. Everyone is different, in other words, we all think differently. There is no perfect culture or thought in the world. Therefore, I have to be open to other people. Since then, I’ve tried to accept something different. For instance, we started to discuss our culture like meal, dream, marriage each other at dinner around 3 times for a week. I also introduce Japanese culture to them. What make them interested the most is animation we might have watched once. According to my friend from Brazil, they have an anime festival in Brazil, and then, there are a lot of people wearing costume of character in an anime like Dragon Ball, Naruto. I don’t know why, but I’m proud of that although I don’t do anything. As time passed, I was getting to enjoy understanding different culture one another. Moreover, as I would like to know the way Canadian thinks, I started interviewing people in the city. This is kind of challenging for me, but I believe it makes me get open mind and grow mentally as well. Through all the experience, I get to think that I would like to the job related to people who have different culture in the future because it might be able to make me inspired for sure. And then, I want to be such a person that I can communicate with people whoever have any different culture. This is my ideal person. I’m sorry for long writing, and thanks for reading. As I told you before, if you find some mistakes, please let me know.

Thank you!

SEE YOU NEXT TIME 👋 f:id:minorunakamura:20180107072939j:plain