1/4. My Future part 1 in English

Hey guys!!

I’m Minoru😁


How are you?😊

I guess the final fuckin exam is going to be taking place after holiday. I hope you will be good from my bottom my heart! Also I’m going back to Japan, and then, I will have to study again, and start job hunting as well. So I’m getting nervous steadily for it.

By the way, as you see, I’m writing down in English today just because I feel like writing in English right now. So, if you see any mistakes in my blog, let me know please.😂


Today, what I want to tell you is My Future. Nowadays, as job hunting gets closer, I get to think about my future more. When I started to consider that in Japan, I tended to just persist on the perfect answer so that I could be hired by a company. But, it was so hard to find it soon. The more I thought, the more confused.. Even though I finally got to my answer, but it was completely different from my truth. Actually, I’m 99 percent sure I pretended to be a good man to the companies I applied for, which caused a serous problem. In the interview, I could not answer with confidence. Of course, being nervous was one of the reason, but more importantly, I could not stand myself who pretended to be good. After all, as you already know, I failed to get any jobs. This is the biggest failure I’ve ever lived.  

But right now through that, I’ve noticed I need to think from the beginning once again. And, I need to be as honest as I can, and follow my heart without lying to myself. Fortunately, I have a plenty of time to think in Canada. So, I often ask myself so simple question wherever I am, even washroom.

“Who am I”

“What makes me happy, and excited mentally?”

“What do I want to do?”

“What is the final goal in my life?”

Thanks to that, I’ve almost found out what I want to do in the future through the life in Vancouver.


Oh my god, time has come.. I have to sleep..

I’m going to continue tomorrow. I’m sorry.🙇

To be continued next.

See you next time👋 f:id:minorunakamura:20180105182322j:plain